Monday, October 18, 2004

Noam Chomsky, in an open letter, asks voters in swing states to vote for Kerry.


Naked Girls said...

Yes I think it is! Which one do you think have not commited?!!

Naked Girls said...

Im really happy to hear that you have studied at least most of his books(if not all), since you claim that everything he says (including linguistics) is wrong. We despretly need people like you who read the books written by the people that disagree with them.

Naked Girls said...

Now that we agree on this point tell me frankly how many of Chomsky's books have you read?

Naked Girls said...

In their opinion Kerry is "the least-worse" and Bush is so terrible that they dont want him to be re-elected. I dont see anything wrong with that. Of course they want Nader to be elected but since this is impossible they call for electing Kerry who is better than Bush. What is wrong with that?

Naked Girls said...

With your argument Dean should nominate himself and McCain should have nominated himself for the president of the US. The progressive movement sees Bush so much terrible that asks voters to vote for a better choice. This doesnt mean that they support Kerry. This just means that people of the US can not afford Bush presidency any more(in the view of the progressives) and Kerry is a better choice. The issue is if you see Bush as a terrible president or you see him just as a bad president which does not have any differences with Kerry. When it comes to politics you dont always choose what is the best in dreams you choose what is the best in reality! Of course Chomsky and others understand your argument and Nader's, thats why they supported Nader in 2000.