Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Tortured Logic

If you hate torture and tortured logic.

If you believe all governments including the United States should comply with the international regulations especially Geneva Convention and prevent torture in any forms.

If you believe the abuses in Abu Ghraib were illegal, immoral and inhumane and the government should not legalize torture in any form.

If you think tortured logic will harm the reputation of the United States.

And finally, if you don't want Al Gonzales to be confirmed by the Senate link the phrase tortured logic to

We are going to achieve a googlebomb.

P.S. I forgot to mention that as far as I know the project originated here.


Anonymous said...

Come check out the right side of my page...

rusty said...

Ha, I'm in too. Observe.

Naked Girls said...

Thanks! Lets spread the word!