Friday, July 30, 2004

Michael Anthony Peroutka

Michael Anthony Peroutka is the candidate of Constitution Party for president. In my opinion he is very right conservative. I don't want to explain his ideas just have a look at his opinions on different issues and see if I'm wrong!

Gun control

I believe that the Second Amendment means what it says. If elected President, I will do everything within my power to ensure that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

It is no coincidence that those jurisdictions which have implemented significant gun control have become cesspools of crime- cesspools which now, sadly, try to blame their problems on freer low-crime pro-gun jurisdictions.


I am 100% pro-life, all nine months, no exceptions. In fact, I am so pro-life, that if elected I promise that abortion will end my first day in office.

It is, by the way, within the power of the President to end abortion tomorrow, as I would do my first day in office. Don't let alleged "pro-life" Presidents tell you differently.


Members of the Constitution Party know that the federal government has no business directing the education of children. The United States Constitution, the supreme law of the land, provides no authority for the Department of Education or any of its programs. That's right! The whole thing is unauthorized and ought to be disbanded!

As president of the United States, I promise to do what the Republican Party promised but never delivered – close down the unconstitutional federal Department of Education. Count on it!

As President, I would obey the law, in this case our Constitution. I would immediately move to abolish the Department Of Education and stop all Federal involvement in education. Under my Administration, this illegal Department and the “No Child Left Behind Act” would be left behind. That’s a promise!

Same-Sex Marriage Amendment

First, we do not support any sodomy-based policy, let alone marriage, but the Federal Marriage Amendment is wholly unnecessary, dangerous and inappropriate.

Finally, ask yourself, who is the definer of marriage? Certainly it is not the United States government, nor even the State government. The author and perfector of Marriage is none other than the LORD Almighty.


As President, one of my top priorities would be to really secure our borders and deport all individuals who are here illegally.

Law and Government

The very first presupposition of American government is that there exists a Creator God, yet our taxpayer-funded schools teach our children that He either doesn't exist or that they can't mention His name. This attack against the right of the people to acknowledge God is disgraceful and it is un-American. The Constitution Party is committed to an American understanding of law and government- that rights come from God and that it is the purpose of government to secure and defend them.


So, if you want the biggest tax cut in history, then I ask you to vote for me. I am the only Presidential candidate who means it when I say: I will obey the Constitution, so help me God...

As President, I would work to repeal the Sixteenth Amendment, abolish the IRS, eliminate the income tax and other Godless forms of taxation such as the property tax and the inheritance tax.

War in Iraq

I, like President Bush, hope that the Iraqi people, and all people, will be free from tyranny. But, unlike President Bush, I realize that, Constitutionally, as President, it would not be my job to use our military to spread 'freedom' everywhere in the world. Unlike President Bush, I, as President, would realize that I had been elected President of the United States, not President of the World.

If elected President, however, I would move immediately to end our involvement in Iraq. I am not one who believes that when you are in a hole you should not be in, you should keep digging.

Except for his opinion on war in Iraq his other ideas are far more conservative than that of Mr. Bush. Am I right?! Hmm... maybe he is just Constitutional. I don't know.

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