Tuesday, November 23, 2004

American Public v. Iraq War

The latest Gallup poll shows that:

* Overall, 47% say the initial decision to send troops to Iraq was a mistake, while 51% say it was not.

* Less than a majority, 48%, "favor the U.S. war with Iraq," while 46% oppose it.

* Just 44% say the United States and its allies are currently winning the war, while 46% say neither side is winning, and another 7% say the insurgents are winning. Still, this is a more positive response than last month, when only 35% said the United States and its allies were winning the war. The higher percentage could reflect the recent news reports about U.S. troops re-establishing control over Fallujah.

* A plurality of Americans, 49%, think the United States "will not be able to establish a stable democratic government in Iraq," while 46% say it will.

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